The Little White Cat

(from Storytelling with children by Andrew Wright, OUP)

Once upon a time there was a little white cat.
This little white cat has six brothers and sisters. They are all black and her mother and father are black. The little white cat doesn’t know that she is white. She thinks she is black, too.

   The little white cat grows older and older and bigger and bigger. One day the little white cat says,

"Do I want to be a farmer? No. Do I want to be a teacher? No. I know- I want to be a witch’s cat!"

    So the little cat says to her mum,

"Goodbye, mum! I’m going to be a witch’s cat!"

"Oh that’s nice!" Says the little white cat’s mum.

"Goodbye! Come and see us soon."

The little white cat looks for a witch. She walks and she walks and she walks. At last she finds a witch.

"Hello witch. Have you got a cat?"

"No, I haven’t got a cat."

"Well, I’m your cat!" says the little white cat.

"No, you’re not! You’re white. Witches have black cats. Go away!"

The poor little white cat! She is so sad! But she looks for another witch, and she walks and she walks and she walks. At last she finds another witch.

"Hello witch. Have you got a cat?"

"No, I haven’t got a cat."

"Well, I’m your cat!" says the little white cat.

"No, you’re not! You’re white. Witches have black cats. Go away!"

The poor little white cat! She is so sad and so hungry. She hasn’t got a job. She hasn’t got any money. She hasn’t got any food. She is so hungry and so weak. But she looks for another witch and so she walks and she walks and she walks.

At last she comes to a cottage. There is a chimney sweep sitting behind the cottage. He’s eating his lunch, sandwiches and cake.

"Hello, you are a poor little cat. What’s wrong?"

"I’m so weak, I’m so hungry. I haven’t got a job and I haven’t got any money."

"Well, here is a sandwich."

"Thank you!" says the little white cat.

The little white cat eats the sandwich and then she feels better and stronger.

Then she looks at the chimney sweep’s bag of black, black soot. She puts in her paw. It’s so black! She puts in her leg. She looks at her leg. It’s so black! She jumps into the bag and then she jumps out of the bag.

"You are so black! Now you are a little black cat!"

"Am I? Am I a black cat? That’s good because I’m going to be a witch’s cat!"

"You’re lucky! You’re so lucky! This is a witch’s cottage! She is sitting in the rocking chair in the front door!"

The little white cat -the little black cat- walks around the house to the front door. There is the witch sitting on her rocking chair in the sunshine. Her eyes are closed.

"Hello. Have you got a cat?"

"No, I haven’t got a cat."

"Well, I’m your cat!" says the little white cat.

"Oh, that’s nice! Jump on my knee. Oh, you are a nice little cat!"

The witch strokes the little white cat –the little black cat-. Then she says,

"What a pity, I can’t see you because I’m blind."