Story Telling
Tales, Myths and Legends for Children
The Legend of Kamandaka in Goa Jatijajar
The Legend of Kamandaka (Javan Kasarung) in Goa Jatijajar In West Java in ancient times there was a great Hindu kingdom and strong enou...
Even a Grass Plant Can Become Someone if it Tries
A Folktale from Eskimo You know? near the mouth of the Yukon grows a tall, slender kind of grass which the women gather and dry in the fa...
Schippeitaro A Folktales from Japanese
SCHIPPEITARO A Folktales from Japanese It was the custom in old times that as soon as a Japanese boy reached manhood he should leave his h...
Uraschimataro and The Turtle A Folklore from Japanese
URASCHIMATARO AND THE TURTLE A Folklore from Japanese There was once a worthy old couple who lived on the coast, and supported thems...
The Monkey and The Jelly-Fish A Folktales from Japanese
THE MONKEY AND THE JELLY-FISH A Folktales from Japanese Children must often have wondered why jelly-fishes have no shells, like so many of...
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